Alex Woronowska na zlecenie So Magazyn / Wirtualna Polska wykonała ilustrację do wywiadu z ikoną polskiej kultury Krystyną Jandą. W wywiadzie aktorka i business woman opowiedziała jak sprawnie łączy pracę aktorki z zarządzaniem dwiema warszawskimi scenami. Inspiracją do stworzenia ilustracji były liczne role kobiety, w których odnajduje się na co dzień. Zapraszamy do lektury.
Alex Woronowska was commissioned by So Magazyn / Wirtualna Polska to make an illustration for an interview with the icon of Polish culture, Krystyna Janda. In an interview, the actress and business woman told how she efficiently combines the work of an actress with the management of two Warsaw scenes. The illustrations were inspired by the numerous roles of a woman in which she finds herself on a daily basis. Link below.
Alex Woronowska was commissioned by So Magazyn / Wirtualna Polska to make an illustration for an interview with the icon of Polish culture, Krystyna Janda. In an interview, the actress and business woman told how she efficiently combines the work of an actress with the management of two Warsaw scenes. The illustrations were inspired by the numerous roles of a woman in which she finds herself on a daily basis. Link below.