Now we represent x Magdalena Pankiewicz
Witamy w agencji Magdalenę Pankiewicz! Ilustratorkę, której prace regularnie ukazują się w Vogue Polska oraz w Wysokich Obcasach. Oprócz wielu wystaw grupowych i indywidualnych w jej portfolio znajdziecie współpracę z dużymi markami przy tworzeniu kampanii dla: Microsoft, Nescafe, BMW, Lech, H&M, Tchibo, Orange, Dell i wielu innych cenionych marek. Projektowała murale, tworzyła ilustracje do lookbooków i printy dla firm odzieżowych. Magda jeszcze raz cieszymy się, że jesteś MAD ABOUT IT!
We are proud to announce that now we represent Magdalena Pankiewicz! You can spot her works regularly in Vogue Polska and in Wysokie Obcasy. In addition to many group and individual exhibitions, her portfolio includes cooperation with many brands, such as: Microsoft, Nescafe, BMW, Lech, H&M, Tchibo, Orange, Dell and others. She designed murals, created illustrations for lookbooks and prints for clothing companies. Magda, we are glad that you are MAD ABOUT IT!
We are proud to announce that now we represent Magdalena Pankiewicz! You can spot her works regularly in Vogue Polska and in Wysokie Obcasy. In addition to many group and individual exhibitions, her portfolio includes cooperation with many brands, such as: Microsoft, Nescafe, BMW, Lech, H&M, Tchibo, Orange, Dell and others. She designed murals, created illustrations for lookbooks and prints for clothing companies. Magda, we are glad that you are MAD ABOUT IT!